Saturday, April 16, 2011

If you are invisible for one day what will you do and why?

If I am invisible for one day .I will take the opportunity to hang around the people close to me and listen to what they will say about me. In this way I may improve myself. I want to go to famous restaurant and sneak food out of their kitchens .Then I can indulge my self with expensive and good food.I will sit with a homeless man and leave him money I want to see his reaction upon seeing the money that I will give him. I want to see if he will spend it wisely. I want to see how his life was going and learn from him . I want to see how bless I am to be born in a middle class family. I will work for military as their spy and be paid with lots of money in a honest way. I want to help our government in checking who is corrupt and who is honest. With the last two ours of this day I will have my time be in a place that is peaceful. I will pray and thank God for this extraordinary opportunity.


  1. Owsm ans. Dear i really liked it much

  2. Lotted the banks and jewel shops and visit all expensive sites enjoy whole day like a alite class enjoy then at the end of the day I distributed all money to the poor and needy people further helping the girls who wanting to marry through jewellery and diamonds.

  3. Please give me better answers your answers are very bad
